• Avoid risk and stagnation

For a safe and clean soil

Historical background research

The first step to safe soil is historic background research. The purpose of this research is to gain insight into the possible presence of conventional explosives. With this insight, you will know in time what is in your soil—before you begin any soil-disturbing activities. That way you avoid risks, stagnation and unexpected costs.


The report consists of two main sections:

- Survey, assessment and evaluation of source material

- Report and CE Soil Survey Map 



Source material

In the survey, assessment and evaluation of sources, as much relevant information as possible is compiled from the area. Our historians have access to historical archives and a 10,000+-image aerial photo archive. In addition maps, literature, battle reports, eyewitness statements and the location are investigated.
This inventory shows whether there have been military actions within the investigated area. The area may then be designated as suspect. If this is the case, the area is subjected to a Project-Specific Risk Analysis (PRA).


CE Soil Survey Map
The preliminary survey is followed by a CE Soil Survey Map. This map shows the suspect areas and the locations where military actions may have taken place. The report and CE Soil Survey Map are key in determining follow-up measures.



Project-specific Risk Analysis
If the preliminary survey indicates that there may be conventional explosives in the area, a PRA follows. The PRA is an analysis for the future use of the suspect area. It shows the risks of CE in relation to the future use or function of the area.
No soil is the same; every situation is different. Soil structure, the environment, and any planned work will play a role in the approach. Every plan is made individually. Before further steps are taken, the historical background research gives you a clear indication of what you can expect to find in the soil and the best way to get the soil safe and clean again.