• Beach nourishment Borkum

  • Dredging and beach nourishment

    The Wasserstraßen- und Schiffahrtsamt Emden commissioned us to perform a beach nourishment of the coastline in Borkum, Germany. 


    The beach nourishment was necessary to reinforce the coastline. There are several places on the island of Borkum where, at high tide, the beach disappears and sea water reaches the promenade. Now that the project is completed, Borkum once again has a 1500m-wide beach. This reinforces the coastline and protects inland areas from sea water.




    The innovative TSHD Charlock pulls sand from a navigable channel and this sand is deposited on the shore through a pipe. There the sand is spread farther over the beach. A total of about 430,000 cubic metres of sand is deposited in this way.

    The sand comes directly from another project by Van den Herik Sliedrecht, the Eemshaven-North Sea Navigable Channel Clearing. Caring for the environment and using materials sustainably—these are guiding principles in our organisation. Where possible, materials are re-used. In this case, we’re using the sand directly from the channel clearing to reinforce the coastline of Borkum!